Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 1

Welcome back, Warriors! As promised, I have an awesome video series on 2D animation in Mecanim for you from the wonderful Jonathan Ferriter.

This first video will show you how to take a 2D drawing and give it an idle animation in Photoshop. Be sure to download the tutorial package for assets to work with for the next few posts.

Unity_Logo_small  Guest_JonFerriter_2DAnimation

Have fun!

[Read on to learn more about this series and its author.]

jonathan ferriterLike Ashley and myself, Jon is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago where he received his degree in Game Art and Animation. Jon loves to draw concept art and design environments for games. He also enjoys creating websites and learning to code. Jon recently began a new love affair with 2d animation and learning more about it in relationship to video games. He wants to create great games that people want to keep coming back for. If you’d like to see more of Jon’s work, he maintains a website at

Today is an extra special day for two reasons, folks. To start, this is our first MecWarriors guest series! To mark such a momentous occasion, we’ve added Jon to our Honorary Warriors list. Go Jon!

Second, it’s Jon’s birthday today!!!! Be sure to wish him a happy birthday in the comments below. 😀

3 Comments on “Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 1”

  1. […] Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 1 → […]

  2. […] with Mecanim. This time Jon’s going to show us how to take all of the animations we made in Part 1 and Part 2 and put them into Unity. By the end you’ll be able to move your animated robot […]

  3. […] on the site we hosted a guest series on 2D animation in Mecanim written by game artist Jonathan Ferriter. In Part 3 of the series, Jon showed us how […]

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