Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 3

Hooray! We’ve made it! It’s the last video in Jon Ferriter‘s series on 2D animation with Mecanim. This time Jon’s going to show us how to take all of the animations we made in Part 1 and Part 2 and put them into Unity. By the end you’ll be able to move your animated robot around in a 2D game scene, and you can begin building your very own 2D game. 🙂

Note: There’s a lot of scripting in this video that Jon kind of skims over. To help understand what he’s doing, I’ll be writing a 4th post that explains the code in more detail.

Unity_Logo_small  Guest_JonFerriter_2DAnimation

2 Comments on “Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 3”

  1. Tony V. Le says:

    This is indeed a very helpful tutorial on how to use Mecanim with sprites considering it is the first time I’ve used it. Thanks a ton for posting!

  2. […] we hosted a guest series on 2D animation in Mecanim written by game artist Jonathan Ferriter. In Part 3 of the series, Jon showed us how take our 2D animations and implement them in the Unity engine […]

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