Introducing @MecWarriors!

theMW_blackbkgThe MecWarriors have a twitter account now! I guess it’s been around for about a month, but I never officially announced it on the site so I thought I should. In a nutshell, we now officially use the handle @MecWarriors for all of the site-related hijinks we can imagine. All post releases, event plans, and general announcements will come from this account.

So you should follow us on Twitter!  @MecWarriors

But I want @MecWarriors to be so much more than a simple news feed. I’ve set it up so that it automatically retweets any tweet with #mecanim or #mecwarriors, so if you ever want to share your Mecanim work on Twitter we’ve got you covered. And if you ever have any questions for us or need any help with your Mecanim projects, we’ll totally work with you directly through Twitter! Just tweet us your problems, and we’ll help you get back on your feet A.S.A.P.

I truly hope that through @MecWarriors we can grow to become an awesome community of developers that talk, share, and connect with each other about Mecanim and game development, and I want you to be a part of it. Won’t you join us on Twitter?

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