Notice: Site Moved

The MecWarriors site migration was successful! That means that this version of our site hosted by will no longer be updated with new posts. Maybe you got here through a search engine, maybe you’ve always been going to the site URL. Whatever the case, this ain’t the place to be.

To get to our new site, you just have to use the URL you’ve been using all along. 🙂

Happy animating!

PSA: MW Site Migration

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I’m currently working on migrating the MW site to a new hosting service over the next 1-2 months. Unfortunately, my WordPress domain forwarding service runs out in a couple of weeks so I’ll likely miss the mark on prepping everything for migration before this happens. This may cause the normal URL to stop functioning properly for a period of time. However, you should be able to use to continue accessing the site until everything is fixed on my end. Hopefully I can get everything up and running within a decent time frame. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Legacy 2 PBR – Check this out!

My Legacy 2 PBR package is on the front page of the Unity Asset Store!!! Just wanted to share. 🙂

Screen Shot 2015-08-02 at 12.32.46 PM

MecNews 7/1/2015

Hello again Warriors!

I know it’s been quite some time since my last Mecanim post, and I want to apologize for my lack of communication in the last months. I’ve been extremely busy with my development work, which really has been quite good at keeping me from exploring the Mecanim tool set with you for some time now.

I don’t really have a clear picture of what the future looks like for The MecWarriors, but here’s what I can tell you for sure:

  • I just released a neat tool on the Unity Asset Store called Legacy 2 PBR (see last post for info) and have officially added an Asset Store category to this blog. Hopefully I can fill it with some more cool stuff.
  • I have recently finished the development of another tool called TSprite that is tied more directly to animation and will allow you to animate mesh textures as if they were sprites (similar to UE4’s flipbook animations). I will be writing a full post about it in relation Mecanim animation when I’m closer to a release point.

Apart from those two points, everything is sort of up in the air at the moment. I know there are many Mecanim topics I’ve yet to write about, and while I’d like to spend some more time on this blog I’m rather unsure at the moment of how I will support it (and myself) financially as we move forward. It’s an interesting endeavor to run a free tutorial blog when you’re shooting for quality content, and I need to work out a few bugs in the system.

So please bear with me while I try to figure some of this stuff out. As usual, if you have any questions for me (or even any ideas) I’d be more than happy to have a discussion with you in the comments below.


Legacy 2 PBR – a batch Material updater for Unity 5

Hey everybody! I just want to take a quick minute to share a cool Unity extension I made that you may find useful for your projects. It’s called Legacy 2 PBR, and its primary function is to automate your Material update process when moving from Unity 4 to Unity 5.

Legacy 2 PBR!/content/39625


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MecWarriors 2014 in review

2014 is over tomorrow! I just discovered these cool WordPress stats for this last year, and I thought it might be cool to share with everyone just how many people have checked out our tutorials.

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 24,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 9 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Quite a lot of people have visited our blog and learned about Mecanim, and I want to thank all of you for making this project worth the time spent. We’re looking forward to writing more tutorials as the new year begins, and we hope you continue to enjoy them. 🙂

NavMesh and Mecanim

I talk with a lot people about Mecanim, and I find that one of the most common difficulties with the tool is getting it to work with other systems within Unity. It’s not that Mecanim can’t link up with those systems, but more that it isn’t always obvious how to put the two together. One of the most frequent problems I run across tends to be using the NavMesh and Mecanim together.

intro Read the rest of this entry »

Introducing @MecWarriors!

theMW_blackbkgThe MecWarriors have a twitter account now! I guess it’s been around for about a month, but I never officially announced it on the site so I thought I should. In a nutshell, we now officially use the handle @MecWarriors for all of the site-related hijinks we can imagine. All post releases, event plans, and general announcements will come from this account.

So you should follow us on Twitter!  @MecWarriors

But I want @MecWarriors to be so much more than a simple news feed. I’ve set it up so that it automatically retweets any tweet with #mecanim or #mecwarriors, so if you ever want to share your Mecanim work on Twitter we’ve got you covered. And if you ever have any questions for us or need any help with your Mecanim projects, we’ll totally work with you directly through Twitter! Just tweet us your problems, and we’ll help you get back on your feet A.S.A.P.

I truly hope that through @MecWarriors we can grow to become an awesome community of developers that talk, share, and connect with each other about Mecanim and game development, and I want you to be a part of it. Won’t you join us on Twitter?

Cutscenes with Mecanim

Warriors! I have for you a brand new video tutorial on how to make cutscenes running with Mecanim! This is the longest video on our site yet, clocking in about 1 hour, so I recommend making sure you have the time to sit it out. As usual, if you have any questions for me just jump in and leave me a comment down below. As usual, here’s a Unity package file for you to download if you’d like to work along with the video.


[Cutscenes With Mecanim]

Github repo (all projects): The MecWarriors Github

I look forward to hearing from everyone. Happy coding!

The MecWarriors Host a SETI-Jam Location!

I’m super excited to announce that The MecWarriors will be co-hosting a space for the Global SETI-Jam alongside Big Shoulders Media! So if you’re in the Chicago area, we invite you to join us for a weekend of game jam fun!


You can sign up for free on our Eventbrite page linked below. Read on for more details about the event. I hope to see you there. 🙂

Eventbrite - SETI-JAM

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