2D Animation, Part 4 – Code Explanation

Previously on the site we hosted a guest series on 2D animation in Mecanim written by game artist Jonathan Ferriter. In Part 3 of the series, Jon showed us how take our 2D animations and implement them in the Unity engine using the two scripts provided in the post and titled Jump.cs and Move.cs.

In that third video, Jon sort of skims through the makeup of these scripts and doesn’t take the time to explain how they actually work, so I wanted to write this post in order to discuss them further. While writing this post I’ve gone through both scripts, learned how they work, and written comments in them so you might better understand their systems. You can download the updated scripts from this link.

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Aside: I had a hard time tracking down the origin of these two scripts, and I can tell they’ve just been thrown haphazardly around the internet as the ‘quick solution’. So there might be a much better way to do all of this. Of course they work, but consider this a word of caution.

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Q & A: BEARCOWBOY – Charlotte Seeker

Hi Warriors! I have a treat for you today! I was talking to a few of my friends who are using Mecanim in their current game project, and I thought it would be really cool to share their work with everyone in a new Q & A format. I hope you enjoy this little interview, and if you’d like to see more content like this coming from active developers be sure to let us know in the comments. 🙂



Dan Hernbrott, BEARCOWBOY

And now let me introduce BEARCOWBOY, an LLC made up of talented developers Dan Hernbrott (@hernbot) and Joseph Hogwood (@JRPGKing). They are currently working on their game Charlotte Seeker, which I encourage you to support via their Charlotte Seeker Kickstarter. (Hurry! It’s nearly over!) I spoke with Dan about their work, and here’s what he had to say.

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Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 3

Hooray! We’ve made it! It’s the last video in Jon Ferriter‘s series on 2D animation with Mecanim. This time Jon’s going to show us how to take all of the animations we made in Part 1 and Part 2 and put them into Unity. By the end you’ll be able to move your animated robot around in a 2D game scene, and you can begin building your very own 2D game. 🙂

Note: There’s a lot of scripting in this video that Jon kind of skims over. To help understand what he’s doing, I’ll be writing a 4th post that explains the code in more detail.

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Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 2

Happy Monday! Today, I have for you the second part in Jon Ferriter‘s tutorial on 2D animation with Mecanim. In this week’s segment, Jon shows you how to set up a jump and a walk animation for your robot character. Because the video was so long, I asked Jon to split it up for us. Hopfeully this gives you a good break point between videos if you need it.

If you missed last week’s video on setting up an idle animation, you can check it out here: [Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 1]. Be sure to download the assets package below if you missed it in the last post. Enjoy!

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Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 1

Welcome back, Warriors! As promised, I have an awesome video series on 2D animation in Mecanim for you from the wonderful Jonathan Ferriter.

This first video will show you how to take a 2D drawing and give it an idle animation in Photoshop. Be sure to download the tutorial package for assets to work with for the next few posts.

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Have fun!

[Read on to learn more about this series and its author.]

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