MecWarriors 2014 in review

2014 is over tomorrow! I just discovered these cool WordPress stats for this last year, and I thought it might be cool to share with everyone just how many people have checked out our tutorials.

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 24,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 9 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Quite a lot of people have visited our blog and learned about Mecanim, and I want to thank all of you for making this project worth the time spent. We’re looking forward to writing more tutorials as the new year begins, and we hope you continue to enjoy them. ๐Ÿ™‚

NavMesh and Mecanim

I talk with a lot people about Mecanim, and I find that one of the most common difficulties with the tool is getting it to work with other systems within Unity. It’s not that Mecanim can’t link up with those systems, but more that it isn’t always obvious how to put the two together. One of the most frequent problems I run across tends to be using the NavMesh and Mecanim together.

intro Read the rest of this entry »

The MecWarriors Host a SETI-Jam Location!

Iโ€™m super excited to announce that The MecWarriors will be co-hosting a space for the Global SETI-Jam alongside Big Shoulders Media! So if youโ€™re in the Chicago area, we invite you to join us for a weekend of game jam fun!


You can sign up for free on our Eventbrite page linked below. Read on for more details about the event. I hope to see you there. ๐Ÿ™‚

Eventbrite - SETI-JAM

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MecWarriors invade GDC

Next week is GDC and as Adam and I have mentioned, we’ll be apart of the Technical Artist Bootcamp and presenting Post-mortem: Mecanim in Undertakers! We’re hoping that some of our viewers (that’s you, folks!) will be attending the conference as well and we would love to have some face time to talk about our blog or answer any questions regarding Mecanim. This year GDC is holding Wrap Up Rooms after every session for any unanswered Q&As. Our Wrap Up Room will be located in room 3000 and if you cannot attend the session due to a lower-level badge, feel free to stop on by and exchange information!

So, stop on by! Let’s talk about blend trees, or the Lego movie! Or just say hello!