MecNews 7/1/2015

Hello again Warriors!

I know it’s been quite some time since my last Mecanim post, and I want to apologize for my lack of communication in the last months. I’ve been extremely busy with my development work, which really has been quite good at keeping me from exploring the Mecanim tool set with you for some time now.

I don’t really have a clear picture of what the future looks like for The MecWarriors, but here’s what I can tell you for sure:

  • I just released a neat tool on the Unity Asset Store called Legacy 2 PBR (see last post for info) and have officially added an Asset Store category to this blog. Hopefully I can fill it with some more cool stuff.
  • I have recently finished the development of another tool called TSprite that is tied more directly to animation and will allow you to animate mesh textures as if they were sprites (similar to UE4’s flipbook animations). I will be writing a full post about it in relation Mecanim animation when I’m closer to a release point.

Apart from those two points, everything is sort of up in the air at the moment. I know there are many Mecanim topics I’ve yet to write about, and while I’d like to spend some more time on this blog I’m rather unsure at the moment of how I will support it (and myself) financially as we move forward. It’s an interesting endeavor to run a free tutorial blog when you’re shooting for quality content, and I need to work out a few bugs in the system.

So please bear with me while I try to figure some of this stuff out. As usual, if you have any questions for me (or even any ideas) I’d be more than happy to have a discussion with you in the comments below.
