Guest Post: Brian Block, Rigging a Character for Audio with Mecanim

Hi Warriors! It’s time to learn about sound! Today I have a special guest post from sound designer Brian Block on how to set up audio cues in your animations using Mecanim. Brian has made a fantastic hands-on video for you all, so be sure to download the package below if you want to follow along. Have fun!

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Brian Block is a sound designer and composer living in Chicago, IL. While proficient in audio production, Brian’s specialty is video game audio implementation. He works with middleware tools like Wwise and FMOD to incorporate game audio in unique and interactive ways. Previously, Brian served as the Audio Lead for the Undertakers game project (related: MecWarriors @ GDC). More of his work can be found here:

MecWarriors @ GDC – Vault Video

Alright, the GDC Vault videos are up! Which means that our recorded session is now available to watch online. If you’d like to see our talk from GDC just click the link below and enjoy.

Our talk was a postmortem on our use of Mecanim when it first came out. We were in the middle of developing Undertakers, a Wild West multiplayer shooter, and we decided to upgrade our animation system from Legacy to Mecanim. This was our first experience with Mecanim, and in our presentation we discuss the challenges of using the brand new tool in our work.

Interested in having us speak at a public or private event? Let us know on our Contact Page.


Guest Post: Jon Ferriter, 2D Animation – Part 3

Hooray! We’ve made it! It’s the last video in Jon Ferriter‘s series on 2D animation with Mecanim. This time Jon’s going to show us how to take all of the animations we made in Part 1 and Part 2 and put them into Unity. By the end you’ll be able to move your animated robot around in a 2D game scene, and you can begin building your very own 2D game. 🙂

Note: There’s a lot of scripting in this video that Jon kind of skims over. To help understand what he’s doing, I’ll be writing a 4th post that explains the code in more detail.

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